Tenía pendiente montar el vídeo y subirlo de una actividad en la que acompañé a Charles con l@s alumn@s de 6º A. Atravesamos el puente romano y fuimos al CEIP Maximiliano Macías, un Centro bilingüe.
Aunque esta actividad no es de nuestra clase, también me gusta dar a conocer experiencias que se hacen en nuestro Centro, sobretodo si son interesantes. El curso pasado en el cole dónde yo estaba, el CEIP Octavio Augusto , también participaba en una experiencia de idiomas, el Portfolio de las Lenguas y me parece muy enriquecedor.
La actividad programada fue denominada:
CEIP Trajano
CEIP Maximiliano Macías Meeting.
0. Welcoming to CEIP Maximiliano Macías school.
1. Grouping in four: Two children of each school are given the same number and they have to find another two in the other school group. So we’ll have mixed groups of four, with two children from each school
2. Introduction. Questions & answers to get to know each other:
- What's your name? How old are you?...
3. Introduction. One group introduces all his members to everyone.
- His/Her name is... He/She's 12 years old...
4. Questionnaire. They ask each other 10 questions previously given to them.
5. Contest. Gymkhana-like activity where they meet 20 questions. Some of them need moving around the school.
6. Singing time. They're given a song whose paragraphs have been cut off and must place in order. This song is “Hey brother" by Avicii.
7. Break for lunch and End of Activity.
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